Colorado summers are the perfect time to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. But, it’s also a great time to look at your roof and see what you can do to keep it in excellent shape. Doing some preventative maintenance now, and identifying any common problems you may have, will prepare your roof for the next frigid, snowy Colorado winter.
Animals will always be looking for shelter, whether it’s a shady place in the middle of summer or a warm, toasty spot to sit out the winter. You may get a warm, fuzzy feeling knowing that your home is a haven for wildlife, but animals can cause major damage to a roof and home in general.
Nesting birds, bats, and other animals can bring in diseases or parasites, which adversely affect the health of your family. Consequently, it’s better to contact the local wildlife control organization to help find the resident creatures find a new habitat.
Insects also become increasingly active during the summer, and if your roof has developed any loose shingles, these resourceful creatures will move into your home through the gaps in the roof. Insects and rodents even form colonies inside your ceiling, which can be inconvenient for maintenance and potentially dangerous.
Summers in Northern Colorado mean impressive thunderstorms, so it is the perfect time of year to identify any leaks that have formed in your roof or ceiling. Even small leaks can lead to significant problems, as water damage tends to accumulate over time if left unchecked. If you ignore leaks, you can be sure they’ll return with a vengeance during future storms.
Negligence may lead to expensive repairs, such as whole-roof repairs due to structural damage from the moisture. The best way to avoid this scenario is to consult with our professional roofers whenever you spot a leak. It’s cheaper to fix a tiny problem than it is to replace an entire portion of your roof.
Damaged Gutters
Gutters are an essential part of your roofing system, as they help drain water from the roof and the house. Gutters also need regular maintenance, though, which many homeowners forget until they notice the channels are completely clogged.
Extreme weather, such as thunderstorms or hailstorms are particularly damaging to gutters. Combined with the temperature changes between summer days and nights, blockages can quickly lead to deterioration, leaky gutters, and lasting damage to your home and roof.
Summer is the perfect time to do some spring cleaning on your roof. Regular maintenance is essential in preventing unexpected problems in the future. By checking the state of your gutters and shingles, you identify any issues before they become overwhelming.
If you have noticed any leaks, animals in your ceiling, or damaged gutters, contact our professional roofing team who will address these problems as quickly as possible. Don’t wait until it is too late. The sooner you deal with the problem, the cheaper and quicker the repair will be.